I created New Ascensions Coaching in May 2021 to have a greater focus on your overall well-being in a manner that my other company, Metis Career Coaching, LLC, was not developed to do. Additionally, I emphasize and explore how various areas of life intersect with the whole person and impact wellness. My view of wellness is very holistic. To me it not just about physical health. I view wellness as a process in which people become aware of and make choices towards a more fulfilling existence. These choices can be related to any of Dr. Bill Hetler's six dimensions of wellness which include our emotions, intellect, spirituality, occupation, as well as physical, and emotional being.

Toya L. Bligen, MA, PCC, CWP
Founder and Proprietor
"My approach to wellness coaching fosters an alliance between us that nurtures your mind, body, spirit, and takes your environment into account."
Wellness is the experience of living life with high levels of awareness, conscious choice, self-acceptance, interconnectedness, love, meaning, and purpose. Wellness is the individual's life journey (and our society's larger task) of taking Abraham Maslow's concept of Self-Actualization and applying it to mind, body, spirit and our interconnectedness with other people and our environment. -Don Arnell
Good health and well-being are based on awareness and proactive behavior. At New Ascensions, I use coaching models designed to help drive positive lifestyles. As an International Coaching Federation (ICF) credential Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and National Wellness Institute (NWI) Certified Wellness Practitione (CWP), I help facilitate greater consciousness about where you currently are in your wellness practices compared to where you would like to be and help close the distance between the two. This involves greater awareness of who you are, how you present to the world, the impacts you have on your environment, and environmental impacts on you. My approach to wellness coaching fosters an alliance between us that nurtures your mind, body, spirit, and takes your environment into account. In the process, I also encourage a higher degree of mindful awareness. Think of some activity you do rather routinely. Common practices include commuting to or from work, getting dressed, and cooking. The more you engage in an activity, the less conscious you are about the steps you take to complete it. Have you ever followed a recipe that you use regularly, but somehow forgot to add a certain ingredient...then it was too late? Have you ever been so wrapped up in your daily commute that one day you finally realize a new store is featured in a shopping center you pass by every day, but just did not notice? This could easily happen when actions become second nature whether they serve us well or not. Sometimes these habitual or auto-pilot modes of operation have impacts on our wellness that are at times great, and other times, not so much. Greater awareness leads to the recognition of habits and routines which are the first steps to creating lasting positive change. I can help foster awareness and growth with coaching.
Wellness coaching...is an alliance between a professional coach and a person (or persons) who, through the benefit of that relationship, seeks lasting, lifestyle behavioral change. -Don Arnell
Have you set a high bar for yourself? What do you need to function at your highest? How are you being impacted by your environment? I welcome the opportunity to serve as your partner and ally to craft a holistic- mind, body, spirit, and environment- wellness coaching program with you. You are the subject matter expert about your life and what works or does not work for you. In a wellness coaching partnership, I serve to encourage, support, and advocate for you and your overall well-being, your physical and emotional welfare. This works best, not with a prescriptive approach, but when we use your personal values as the compass to identify, work towards and achieve your wellness goals. Additionally, my constant curiosity about how to best assist you, and your determination to live your best life, will fuel success. I look forward to ascending to new heights with you as your trusted ally.